Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

Too much dust in my room!

I was always wondering why i was sneezing and coughing like hell - excuse my french. I did not know what was the reason before i went to a doctor. Fortunatly, i have good health care so it did not se me back much or let's say: It was affordable (kinda). He ordered me to take an allergy test and it was positive for dust! Yes, you heard right, regular dust! Apparantly, it contains the excrements of small animals who live everywhere - on our bed sheets, pillows etc - you name it! As if this wasn't disgusting enough, we continously inhale their feces and this makes us sick! Tons of people have asthmatic symptoms and this makes it hard for them to breathe. It really is something one should avoid. But is it even possible to avoid it? I was told to get rid of my carpets and rugs. Which sucks because they are really beautiful. They are almost all hand woven with navajo patterns - simply amazing. I like a slight ethno touch in my living room!

I was about to abandom them all, until i overheard someone at the doctors office, asking about special anti allergic bedsheets and the doctor was like "welll....you can try". What? Wyou can TRY? Why would someone want to spend hundreds of $$$ if that wouldn't even give a bit of relief? Apparantly, it is really hard to fight this kind of allergy because, like I said - dust is everywhere! You can only take anti-allergy medicine and hope for the best. But the one i'm taking makes me feel really tired and even a bit dizzy. So it's a lose-lose situation for me. Fortunatly, i'm not allergic to cat hair. Many people are and they can't really visit me. But that's what coffeeshops are for. I love to hang out with my few friends and discuss life. It give me a bit relief from the pains of everyday life and really makes my day usually. But i'm propably very easy to please.

What about you? Do you have any allergies or other debilitating diseases? I hope not!
Ok, that's it for now!

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